May 23, 2012

LIVE: PART IV: Exercise, good or bad?

Today, I will align myself with cherishing reality, focusing and having fun, so that I may have the energy that I need to enthusiastically, LIVE, love, learn and leave a legacy of excellence.

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EXERCISE: To summarize this in a short blog entry does present a challenge, but I will do my best, and for more info, I will direct you to earlier entries as well as recommended links from this blog. First a definition: thanks to Ken Hutchins:

You may or may not agree with this definiton of exercise (many will NOT), but as a point of reference, this is what I am referencing when I use the word. Secondly, let me state that the goal in a particular workout should be to "fatigue the muscles as deeply as possible, as quickly as possible, within the constraints of safety". This is the "stimulus" that the body needs to improve, and then we have to allow it to adapt through rest and nutrition.

Exercise is simply a form of stress on the body which, if the body is able to adapt to, improves us, and if it does not adapt due to too much stress or not enough recovery, hurts us. (remember Hormesis post).

Almost all of what is currently referred to as exercise, is either ineffective and a complete waste of time, or does have some beneficial effect, but virtually guarantees, long term or acute injuries or both. (hint: one of the most common mistakes is doing simply too much)

The good news is that only a few minutes of very safe, but very intense exercise is all that we require weekly, and that the benefits of this, are so far reaching as to be the closest thing known to an actual fountain of youth. (assuming that you are properly rested, and nourished i.e see past blog on sleep and future entry on nutrition) For more google and check out articles, forum and videos. Thanks for reading!

P.S. Also very worthwhile:

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