May 28, 2012


Today, I will align myself with cherishing reality, focusing and having fun, so that I may have the energy that I need to enthusiastically, live, LOVE learn and leave a legacy of excellence.

The journey to Being the Hero or YOUR Life is amazing in and of itself, and does not REQUIRE company, but if you can find a worthy companion who you love because of shared values and who is on their own journey, then your happiness which is the ultimate goal of your life will be magnified many times more. This principle extends beyond just a romantic relationship and should be the criteria for how you choose friends as well Even family members are not automatically granted love as a duty of any type. (the idea of love as a duty is a contradiction in terms)

Unconditional love is touted as an ideal but in fact, it belittles the word love and implies that one would love a child molester as they love the person who exemplifies their highest values. The latter is the one who has earned love and often the supposed ideal of unconditional love comes from the desire to have something without earning it. This is wrong in the financial sense and no less so in the moral sense.

True, when one does not know another person's values they could assume positively until presented with evidence to the contrary.

Also, I'm not talking about being a fair weather friend. I love my wife because first and foremost, I admire her. If she was in failing health, or a mishap caused her to lose some of her talents or possessions that would not change who she is as a person, nor should it change how I feel for her or what I am willing to do because my happiness is linked to her happiness and welfare. I also respect her because I know that if my behaviour showed that I had changed my basic values, she would not stay with me, nor would I expect her to "love me unconditionally" in those circumstances. I need to work to deserve the person whose qualities I cherish and who has chosen to share their life with me and never forget how high a value that represents.

Thanks for reading.

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