Nov 8, 2009

Beginning of a journey

This is a trial entry as I begin this blog, the goal of which is to share ideas that will eventually form part of a book that I have committed to write and self-publish by December 2011.

The message of the book, as the title of this blog says will be how to live a full life, using ideas to maximize results in all areas of life; physical, mental, financial, social, emotional, spiritual.

The underlying premise for all will be a rational philosophy encompassing the principles of reason, purpose and self-esteem. THE main distinctive feature of this blog will be the underlying philosophy which I believe is missing in all other so called self-help material.

You might say, I want to put the SELF back into self-help, and replace the rampant mysticism with rationality, so people will understand what realistic results they can achieve and, importantly, understand why they work, and contrary to the hype in this type of material, it will be a matter of showing that the true rewards of leading a fulfilling life are far greater than what is normally promised.

Stay tuned for more.... Best to all in Being the Hero of YOUR own life!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Are you targeting Dec 2011 in case it all shuts down 2012 ;n) Just kidding, as a non mystic I look forward to this. I luv the line; putting the 'self' back in self help - nice.

  3. I'm just giving myself a deadline, to make myself acccountable! Glad you're liking what you're reading... value your opinion!
