Jul 24, 2010

Travellin' Man!

I'm off in a few days for a new adventure. After 5 wonderful years in Moncton, New Brunswick, my career is now taking me to Ottawa, Ontario.
While this is a terrific opportunity, and the people I've met there so far seem great, as I am now just days from actually driving away, the reality of what I'm leaving is becoming extremely clear and a little scary.
My time in Moncton has been truly amazing. I had my greatest career successes, made some true friendships, had and recovered from major surgery and also competed and placed in bodybuilding contests! And this only a partial list.
I have much to be truly grateful for, mainly for the fact that in my middle age, my life continues to improve!
Now, I take off for a new adventure, and while it is exciting, it is also daunting in leaving the familiar for the new and untried; it is also sad, in that I am leaving people that I love, and, although I know we will keep in touch, there is no denying the nature of our relationship will change. In short, Lorraine and I are beginning a new chapter in our lives. ("The Continuing Adventures of Rick and Lorraine!")
Years ago, I learned that it is important to continually remind myself to "Do my very best, just for today." This has served me well so far. No one knows what their future holds, and there are no guarantees in life, but I have always found comfort in the knowledge that whatever challenge or reward I encounter, the answer is always the same, "do your best just for today"....
This has prevented me from wasting time pondering, "what will I do, if "blank" doesn't work out?.... or what if "blank" goes wrong?... because the answer is always the same: "do your best just for today".
The title of this entry is from the song by Bob Seiger, and the lyric that reminded me of how grateful I am to have experienced what I am leaving now, and what I've left behind with other moves, is
"Those are the memories that make me a wealthy soul"

I'm a very lucky man.

1 comment:

  1. And I a lucky woman to share your adventures with! Safe trip, my love! A part of me is leaving Moncton and I will be very, very lonely!
