May 24, 2012

LIVE: PART V: Nutrition

Today, I will align myself with cherishing reality, focusing and having fun, so that I may have the energy that I need to enthusiastically, LIVE, love, learn and leave a legacy of excellence.

LIVE: Nutrition: We live in a wonderful time and place. For most of human history, and still in many places today, people worry about having enough to eat, and we spend our time, more than ever agonizing about what to eat, what not to eat, and not eating too much!

We evolved in such a way as to survive the famines that were common place on a seasonal basis and those of us whose ancestors were predisposed to survive are here today, and most of those who weren't are not here to read this blog.

One of the main challenges is that today from a nutrition standpoint, we have evolved to survive famines when in fact, our problem of overabundance is the very opposite.

I'm a big fan of modern technology, and a good argument can be made for why it has helped us to feed the world's growing population but it has also come with some consequences that are not always favorable. Having food to eat, so you don't starve and die is good, but that diet may be far from optimal.

It is certainly beyond the scope of this entry to go into great detail, so I will simply advise you to google "archevore" diet, where you will find not only some excellent recommendations but some links that show the research to back it up.

For now let me state that I believe conventional wisdom is not only wrong (Canada food guide or American equivalent) but diametrically so.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain

If you want it really simple, here are a few quick things that are by no means complete, but with which you would likely get 80 or 90% of benefits:

Carbohydrates: Avoid sugar, flour, fruit juices. Focus on fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit. (smaller fruit are better than larger i.e. berries)
Protein: Eat meat! Preferably beef and lamb and eggs.... grass fed if possible, in the case of eggs, if you can find some that are not fed soy. Do not eat soy, go easy on nuts.
Fats: Love coconut oil, and fat from grass fed beef and lamb, and wild fish. Avoid seed oils.
Dairy: Avoid unless you can get unpasteurized or aged cheese... go easy if you are trying to lose weight.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Your words are so true. Voegtlin's "Paleo Diet", Jordan Rubin's "Maker's Diet", Dr. Mercola's "No Grain Diet" and other similar versions will give you some great recipes and ideas to help ease away from the harmful Standard American Diet. Thank you for posting - keep up the good work!

  2. I agree completely. These are good recommendations for a healthy low carb regimen.
