May 27, 2012

LOVE: What It Isn't.

Today, I will align myself with cherishing reality, focusing and having fun, so that I may have the energy that I need to enthusiastically, live, LOVE learn and leave a legacy of excellence.

LOVE: Maslow put love/belonging high on his hierarchy of needs and there is no doubt that we are social creatures. I believe it must be remembered that in a hierarchy, things have to be in a proper order, and Ayn Rand said it well when she stated, "Before one can say 'I love you', one has to learn to say 'I'".

You have to esteem yourself before you can esteem another, otherwise you are looking for the other person to do this for you, and that is the definition of an unhealthy relationship. Finding Mr. Or Ms. Right will not make you whole; that is your job! People who are into these types of relationships use their partner like a drug, and while they get the desired effect at the beginninng, like a drug it doesn't last, and then they build resentments that often lead to abusing the other person for "letting them down".

Don't make another person your journey, embark on your own journey to Being the Hero of YOUR Life, and you will become attractive to other Heroes!

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