May 16, 2012


Today, I will align myself with cherishing reality, focusing and having fun, so that I may have the energy that I need to enthusiastically LIVE, Love, learn and leave a legacy of excellence. Live: Providing for the physical needs that allow us to live a healthy life must be foundational because, without health, any other area of our lives in which we achieve success becomes a moot point. The good news is that, contrary to popular belief, this does not involve spending countless hours exercising (more than needed is actually detrimental), or ingesting bottles of supplements (think food that doesn't have a list of ingredients). The bad news is that some aspects of our health, our genes, are only partially within our control. We can unfortunately be predisposed to cancer or heart disease, for example, but that doesn't make it inevitable, as recent research shows that even though we can't control the genes we are born with, we may be able to control whether they are "switched on or not". Sleep, diet and exercise are part of the equation, and in the next few entries I will cover these one at a time. Hint: sleep is actually the most important by far. For now: copy and paste this link:

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