May 29, 2012


Today, I will align myself with cherishing reality, focusing and having fun, so that I may have the energy that I need to enthusiastically, live, love, LEARN and leave a legacy of excellence.

LEARNING: How amazing is it that, as human beings, our capacity for lifelong learning is as great as it is? There are fewer more fulfilling things in life than broadening our horizons through acquiring greater knowledge or learning a new skill such as a musical instrument, a new sport or dance.

The dividends of this learning are that we personally can grow throughout our lives having more to enjoy for ourselves and greater values to bring to others.

We can choose to focus more narrowly on a given topic, going deeply or be more of a "renaissance person", embracing a wide range of subjects.

The important thing is that we never stop learning and become stale. It allows us to maintain our view of the world with the wonder of a child while acquiring some of the wisdom of maturity.

As Seneca stated, "as long as you live, never stop learning how to live".

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